Sunday, December 23, 2007

introducing meta_tree

I finally got some time to implement a small amount of my meta_tree project.
meta_tree (always lowercase) is an NT-only implementation of my own file-meta-data managing-software.
It gives you the possibility to add meta-data ("tags") to your files.
It is aiming for people who are organizing their data heavily on folders and find it difficult to find and reorganize their structure to changing needs.
meta_tree will allow you to use tags on their files and search and reorganize their files depending on this tags.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Computer security in 10 years? dark, very dark!

This is an interesting interview with security-men Bruce Schneier and Marcus Ranum.
See here:

they paint a very dark future:
-there will be at least a real large scale disaster of misused computer security
-security concerns will lead to software-service companies
-these companies will try to lock-in their customers

All in all a very dark, but realistic view into the future..